Little Cowboy

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank a farmer!

This video really hits it home and shows the important roll that farmers play in our daily lives. Lets be sure to encourage our youth through providing experiences that get them involved in agriculture and being passionate about the importance of our rural roots!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Flower Garden

December 2009 Sams Club generously donated to The Country Kids Foundation over 15,000 flower bulbs to be planted in a garden for the purpose of providing another educational opportunity for children. December 21st, the day before our first December storm, several volunteers from all over the Eastern Plains donated their time to plant these bulbs in a space provided by May Farms in Byers.

Because we got them in so late we are hoping that they do bloom and have faith that we will at least get a few! I will continue to post progress and pictures so that you all can follow along the progress of this flower garden. This is a great educational experience to include your kids in! Once they bloom you will have to schedule a time to visit the garden!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Welcome to the CKF Blog! We look forward to sharing with you the different ways in which we can connect to our rural roots! Please feel free to post your experiences and ideas to help connect to nature.